About Our Programs

Program for Human Resource Development for Innovation in the Age of IoT, AI, and Big Data,
Accredited as a "Brush up Program for Professional" (BP) by MEXT
This program has been implemented since 2015 as a global entrepreneur and innovation human resource development program in the field of IoT. Since 2019, the program has been upgraded to cover a wider range of fields, including AI, big data, biotech, and nanomaterial technologies, which are our specialties, in addition to IoT, and offers practical coursework to acquire the basic knowledge and skills necessary for starting up and creating new businesses, from basic technology development to product, service and business planning. We accept people who are interested in starting or creating a new business in the fields of IoT, AI, Big Data, biotech, and nanomaterials, as well as people who want to learn about methodologies for developing superior technologies into new businesses, regardless of their job titles (*1).
After the completion of this program, those who wish to continue working at GEIOT can receive support from the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) and the Osaka Bureau of Industry, which are GEIOT's partner organizations. In addition, if you enroll in the Master's Program of the Graduate School of Information Science at Nara Institute of Science and Technology in the future, credits for each course approved by GEIOT can be added to your general course completion credits.
*1 In principle, a university degree is required for GEIOT, as students are required to take regular courses at Nara Institute of Science and Technology as a non-degree student. If you do not fall under this category, you will be required to go through a separate screening process. In addition to the application documents listed below, please also submit an application form for the Certificate Program Eligibility Screening. After screening, a decision will be made as to whether or not you are eligible to enroll in the program.

cross X cross
Multifaceted crossover (mixing different types of human resources on multiple axes for chemical reactions and synergistic effects)
PBL-type innovation human resource development program
The Nara Institute of Science and Technology, in collaboration with Kyushu University, Ritsumeikan University, and Osaka Prefecture University (IDEA: Innovation x Diversity x Entrepreneurship Education Alliance), is developing an entrepreneurship program based on diversity and creative collaboration. The consortium applied for and was selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) for the Next Generation Entrepreneurship Development Promotion Project (EDGE-NEXT). (*1)
In addition to the collaborative programs among multiple schools, IDEA also offers programs that are independently planned by each participating school. cross X cross (cross X cross) is a multi-faceted crossover PBL-type program for fostering innovative human resources. In cooperation with Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) and the Osaka Innovation Hub, we aim to develop human resources who have the ability to push forward against difficulties without losing heart" by working as a team to solve problems and create businesses with people from different backgrounds. We will work to develop the skills necessary to create chemical reactions and synergistic effects. (*2)
This project will be implemented by Nara Institute of Science and Technology as part of the Innovation x Diversity x Entrepreneurship Education Alliance (IDEA), an entrepreneurship development program based on diversity and creative collaboration. For information on the entire consortium (Kyushu University x Ritsumeikan University x Nara Institute of Science and Technology x Osaka Prefecture University), please visit the IDEA website Link to(Kyushu University website)

TOUCH STONE (transitioned to a new program)
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Support Project for Innovative Doctoral Students in the Field of Multi-disciplinary Research in Advanced Science and Technology
This project aims to foster "innovative doctoral human resources" who can lead social innovation through problem-driven research in information science, bioscience, materials science, and their fusion areas by supporting activities (such as conducting of "research sprints," etc.) for fostering competencies as innovative human resources. The field is not particularly limited, but research themes with a view to interdisciplinary fusion and innovation creation are preferred. Research activities with a view to interdisciplinary fusion and innovation creation will be supported in addition to the original doctoral dissertation research.
Touch Stone Program was transitioned together with Fellowship Program to a new JST SPRING program, as NAIST Granite in 2024 EY.